We offer our IELTS courses in Egypt and globally. Check our locations. Click "BOOK NOW" to choose from the available dates and times.
The course is 30 hours in 10 sessions, each is 3 hours, twice a week.(5 weeks). All the materials, folder, pen, and notebook are included for free.
The course is 24 hours in 8 sessions, each is 3 hours, twice a week. (4 weeks). All the materials, folder, pen, and notebook are included for free.
We need to stand on your precise English level. Please take this test and tell us what your level is in the application
We offer our IELTS courses in Egypt and globally. Courses are conducted via Zoom software. Click "BOOK NOW" to choose from the available dates and times.
Course total hours are 24 hours distributed on 8 sessions, each is 3 hours. We conduct sessions twice a week. 4 weeks total.
Course total hours are 30 hours distributed on 10 sessions, each is 3 hours. We conduct sessions twice a week. 5 weeks total.
Get 25% off any package when using our promo code "mdwidar25". Preptical , formerly 'TakeIELTS.net', is the world's leading provider of online IELTS mock tests. The quality of our Services is certified by the European Association for Education. Our tests are the closest tests to the IELTS exam and are developed and examined by certified IELTS examiners. World’s only certified IELTS mock tests by the European Association for Education.